Are You Treating Your Truck Drivers Fairly?

  • If your organisation is interested in improving the working conditions of its truck drivers, join the open webinar on 30th March.  We will present you the collaborative platform Responsible Trucking and how BMW Group, H&M Group, Ikea Supply AG, Maersk, MAN, PostNord, Raben, Scania, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group and Volkswagen are securing fair working conditions on the road.


Truck drivers in Europe have often to contend with poor working conditions. Long driving time, little access to sanitary facilities, cross-border exploitation caused by differences in national legislations, and extensive sub-contracting, are only some examples. Join the open webinar on 30th March to discover how you can be part of the solution and address this critical issue in collaboration with the partners of Responsible TruckingBMW Group, H&M Group, Ikea Supply AG, Maersk, MAN, PostNord, Raben, Scania, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group and Volkswagen.

At the event, we will present the main challenges affecting the road transport and logistic sectors in Europe and the collaborative work done by leading shippers and carriers within Responsible Trucking.

The collaborative platform facilitated by CSR Europe has been taking practical steps to improve the social standards and business practices of the European road transport and logistics sector since 2019. Platform milestones included the development and implementation of Truck Transport Social Guidelines - after the adoption of the Mobility Package I by the European Commission; a digital spot-check tool to collect truck drivers’ anonymous feedback on their working conditions and the status of the facilities they use; the development of an Adequate Facilities Checklist.

Industry representatives and sector associations will also be present to share their perspective on the social issues affecting companies’ supply chain.

“Europe’s attention to the transport sector and how it treats its truck drivers is gaining new momentum under the Commission’s Climate and Social Agenda. Companies should embrace it and transform current challenges into new opportunities. This is the perfect timing for joining Responsible Trucking and achieve impact at scale.” Sara Sánchez Palacios, Project Manager at CSR Europe.

In 2022, Responsible Trucking partners will continue engaging the European Institutions and relevant stakeholders in a dialogue that will culminate at the European SDG Summit, taking place on 10-12 October – watch here the session hosted in 2021.


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