CSR Europe’s Annual Public Affairs Meeting - Building the Network’s Policy Position for 2023


On 9th February 2023, CSR Europe Annual Public Affairs meeting ,“The EU Green Deal: Step forward or Step back?”, will kick off an 18-month journey aimed at building CSR Europe’s policy positions towards the next European Elections of spring 2024.

The objective includes strengthening the voice of proactive businesses for a European sustainability strategy that pursues equity, climate and nature with the equal ambition.

CSR Europe members and NPOs will be invited to join the discussion to voice their expectations, worries and proposals following the latest EU developments and regulations to then be further elaborated and expanded throughout CSR Europe’s EU activities of 2023.

CSR Europe’s EU activities of 2023 will cover 3 main directions:

  1. Bring EU intelligence to members through a series of events and publications helping our partners to better understand the current EU policy framework

  2. Help companies in the implementation of EU laws (EU Alignment Service)

  3. Influence the EU policy and next European Commission Programme 2024-2029


Moreover this year’s offer will entail the delivery of 2 Issue Insights and 2 EU Webinars (for Members only).

The expected timetable for these events is as follows:

With its EU Alignment service, CSR Europe will help companies to understand, analyse and comply with the requirements set by policymakers on Reporting, Due Diligence, Tax Transparency, as well as meet the expectations of stakeholders.

CSR Europe, together with strategic partners, will submit to the EU leaders (European Parliament, European Commission and European Council) a policy position that will raise the expectations for an EU Social Green Deal strengthening the foundations of a Just Transition, while simultaneously creating a European Sustainability Dialogue.

For more information:

Contact Giorgia Miccoli




Daria DelnevoEU