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EU PUBLIC AFFAIRS MEETING: The EU Green Deal: Step Forward or Step Back?


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Back in 2019 CSR Europe worked on a policy position to equip the EU with a holistic and integrated sustainability strategy for Europe 2030. We did this mainly through a 380 CEOs Call for a New Deal and the proposals of the European SDG Platform.

Since then, the new European Commission (2019-2024) started the EU Green Deal building at full speed the widest playing field for sustainability for all actors (governments, business, investors, civil society). In the meantime, the people in Europe have been facing continuous turbulences and crises that have been reinforcing the already-existing vulnerabilities and increasing inequalities.

The annual Public Affairs meeting on 9th February is the kick off for the works aiming at building CSR Europe’s policy positions towards the next European Elections in spring 2024. This will be the beginning of an 18 month journey to strengthen the voice of proactive businesses for a European sustainability strategy that pursues equity, climate and nature with the equal ambition.

Your role as a CSR Europe member will be determinant.

During this meeting and against the latest EU developments and regulations we will collect your first expectations, worries and proposals which will be further elaborated and expanded throughout CSR Europe’s EU activities in 2023.

We will also explore with you which strategic partners you think should join CSR Europe in this endeavor and through which channels we should convey CSR Europe’s position to the leaders in the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament as well as at the Member States level.

Who should join:

  • Public Affairs Officers

  • Sustainability Managers

For more information:

Giorgia Miccoli

Project Manager, EU Affairs