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EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE - Sustainability in a New World: What Changed after the War in Ukraine

We are addressing the following SDGs:


The war in Ukraine has dramatically changed the world. For Ukraine the consequences are heartbreaking: 6 million Ukrainians have left their country, damages to physical assets are estimated to be $98.7bn, lost assets for Ukrainian businesses have been estimated to $9.6bn and 2 bln USD is necessary for restoration of schools. At a global level, the war has led to a spike in inflation, energy prices, and disruptions to food supply.

The war comes on top of a siege of unprecedented global events that threaten to turn back progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and undermine the well-being of people and countries around the world, in the first place for the people in Ukraine and their families.

For those working in sustainability like many others, the alarming state of global affairs has brought deep reckoning and reflection. How much good are we really doing? What if all our good work is just waiting to be undone? How do we work with governments and civil society to contribute to a more resilient form of inclusive, sustainable development? How can we help Ukraine Building Back Better on sustainability principles?


  • Learn more about the impact of the war on sustainability.

  • Discover what companies, European institutions, national governments, and consumers can do.


  • Representatives of EC and National Governments.

  • Businesses.

  • Non-governmental organizations.

  • Consumers’ organizations and consumers.

  • Academic and research institutions.