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EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE - Digitalization & Reporting: How Tech Can Boost Sustainability Disclosure

We are addressing the following SDGs:


Demand for non-financial information is increasing and, more and more, companies are relying on technology and data providers to disclose more consistent and accountable information. Meanwhile, auditors, rating agencies, and financial actors are moving to artificial intelligence (AI) to assess companies’ non-financial credentials and compare their sustainability performances. In the same direction goes the EU’s push for the entry in force of the European Single Access Point (ESAP), which would represent a unique, public, and free data hub for financial and sustainability-related information about EU companies and EU investment products.

The need for more accountable and comparable sustainability information calls for higher investments and a shared approach toward the use of data. The challenges connected to this theme are however multiple, from the scarce maturity of companies’ internal systems, shown by the lack of clear data strategies and governance, to the limited debate around the role of responsible technology in supporting a green and just transition.

The roundtable aims to shed a light on the role of technological means and AI in promoting transparency and shifting companies’ business models to achieve meaningful impact. We will hear from policy-makers and experts about their views and future developments, while companies and data providers will share their major challenges and initiatives on sustainability reporting.


  • Learn how can technology be better utilized in company reporting.

  • Discover the main challenges of non-financial disclosures.

  • Advocate for a bigger role of technologies and AI in sustainability reporting regulations.


  • EU Policy Makers.

  • Asset Managers & Investors.

  • Data providers & AI experts.

  • Sustainability Managers & Corporate representatives.