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EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE - Corporate Biodiversity Management

We are addressing the following SDGs:


The World Economy Forum listed “biodiversity loss” as the third biggest challenge humanity will face in the next 10 years, after “climate action failure” and “extreme weather”. It is a threat to our economies, as 50% of the world’s GDP depends on biodiversity to thrive. According to the OECD, the services provided by nature, such as air and water purification, crop pollination, flood protection and carbon sequestration, are worth an estimated $125 trillion to $140 trillion annually.

European policymakers have taken action with the EU Taxonomy and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), making it mandatory for businesses to measure and report on their biodiversity impact. However, companies willing to better manage biodiversity are confronted with many challenges: the complexity of assessing biodiversity risks; the absence of unified standards, frameworks, and tools; the difficulties in cascading measures along the value chain; the tension between bottom-top versus top-down management approaches. 

Join this session to learn more about current biodiversity management frameworks that can support business action for biodiversity preservation and the approaches implemented by leading companies.  

At the event, CSR Europe will release the booklet on corporate good practices for biodiversity preservation, developed in collaboration with partners of the Biodiversity & Industry platform. The document showcases practical approaches and best practices on how to embed biodiversity in business models and operations.


  • Learn about current biodiversity management frameworks

  • Discover the booklet on corporate good practices for biodiversity preservation

  • Explore practical approaches and best practices on how to embed biodiversity in business models and operations.



  • Companies interested in biodiversity management.

  • Civil society organisations that want to learn how companies are integrating biodiversity concerns into their business strategy and operations.

  • Policy makers who want to learn more about business actions / approaches on biodiversity