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EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE - Towards Responsible Tax Behaviour

Towards Responsible Tax Behaviour.PNG

We are addressing the following SDGs:


How can companies move towards more responsible tax behaviour?

Corporate taxation is central to the overall economic and social wellbeing of countries, as it contributes to secure the delivery of essential public services, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructures, in local economies. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic intensified the urgency to advance the green and digital transition of Europe’s economic system, regulators’ attention turned once more on companies’ tax behaviour. Political momentum around responsible tax and reporting is increasing.  Both at European and global level, large companies are expected to publicly report on tax. Aggressive tax planning and profit shifting strategies are no longer accepted by investors and civil society.

With the Commission’s proposal for the Country-by-Country Reporting (CBCR) directive, tax transparency is becoming an increasingly material topic for companies. Through the implementations of the CBCR directive, corporate tax avoidance could be reduced in Europe and trigger responsible behaviours from companies operating in the region.



  • Learn about the different tools corporations can use to enhance their responsible tax behaviour and increase their tax transparency.

  • Explore how corporations can move towards more responsible tax behaviour.

  • Discuss how sustainability reporting can support companies towards more transparency.

  • Discover lessons learned, best practices and updates on EU policy developments.


  • Sustainability managers.

  • Tax Managers.

  • Policymakers.

  • Civil society representatives.

  • Anyone interested in Responsible Tax.



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This event is part of the track “Sustainable Markets and Finance” of the European SDG Summit 2021.