The EU Commission Unveils New European Industrial Strategy


With the new European Industrial Strategy, the European Commission celebrates its first successful 100 days amidst the uncertainties raised by the new Covid-19 pandemic.


On March 10, the von der Leyen Commission launched its new Industrial Strategy for a globally competitive, green and digital Europe marking the finish line of its first 100 days in office. As Europe is moving towards the goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent in the world, industry is at the core of this transformation: all the industrial value chains will have to reduce their own carbon footprints and develop new business models.

To maintain the competitiveness of European businesses in their transition to become greener, more circular and digital, the new EU Industrial Strategy will focus on:

  • Creating a more integrated and digital single market through the Single Market Enforcement Action Plan and an SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe.

  • Fostering competitiveness in the global stage with an Action plan on the Customs Union and the White paper on an instrument on foreign subsidies (expected for Q2 2020).

  • Supporting industry towards climate neutrality with a set of initiatives including the EU Strategy on Clean Steel and Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, EU Strategy on Clean Steel and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

  • Promoting the reskilling and upskilling of the workforce through the launch of a European Pact for Skills.

  • Embedding circularity across the supply chain with the new Circular Economy Action Plan that focuses on sectors where this potential is high: electronics and ICT, batteries and vehicles, packaging, plastics, textiles, construction, and food.