Drive Sustainability Releases New SAQ Toolbox for Suppliers

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  • The SAQ Toolbox will provide suppliers with further guidance on how to excel in the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and how to use it in due diligence processes. 


The new SAQ Toolbox released by Drive Sustainability partners aims at facilitating the use of the  Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to evaluate the sustainability performance of suppliers operating the automotive value chain. The toolbox is composed of 4 key documents, each one aimed at addressing specific concerns related to the questionnaire:  

1. The Supplier Handbook is the key manual offered by Drive Sustainability to provide support to all suppliers along the automotive value chain, who are either asked to complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire on CSR/Sustainability (SAQ) or who wish to use the SAQ for their own purposes.

2. SAQ Focus Areas provides practical recommendations to strengthen two practices that Drive Sustainability partners to expect their suppliers to adopt:

  • Implementing a Code of Conduct.

  • Building an Environmental and Social Management system.

Automotive suppliers interested in drastically improving their SAQ score should check this document.

3. The SAQ Formats document presents the digital and physical versions of the SAQ and explains everything you need to know to successfully use the SAQ in practice.

4. Ready-to-use SAQ for SMEs is an interactive version of the SAQ with embedded score calculation which allows automotive companies to measure the sustainability performance of their few key suppliers before rolling out the questionnaire to a larger group. It also helps suppliers to check how they perform against the Drive Sustainability criteria and strengthen their performance before completing a digital copy of the questionnaire on the platform.


For more information:

Olatz Armengod

Project Manager