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HIGH-LEVEL PLENARY - Resilient & Inclusive Supply Chains

Resilient & Inclusive Supply Chains.PNG

We are addressing the following SDGs:


2021 seems to be the year of due diligence. The respect for human rights, environmental protection and inclusion is expressed through various EU policies and proposals for regulation: e.g. a Sustainable Corporate Governance Initiative, that will include a mandatory corporate environmental and human rights due diligence, the Revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive, a future EU Social Taxonomy. This should reinforce the geopolitical role of the European Commission, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how critical it is to support the most vulnerable across the whole value chain.

In this session we will test how much the EU is willing to go beyond corporate compliance through the new due diligence legislation and decide on strategic accompanying measures to support continuous transformation of supply chains and collaborative efforts for long-standing impact of the eco-systems companies are sourcing from. The real challenge is two-fold: to build a larger playing field on due diligence at the European and international level and to empower actors and industry federations to develop collaborative solutions that can enhance the livelihoods of workers, farmers and miners.


  • Better understand how the policy developments on transparency will substantially change how multinational companies address the impact of their value chain.

  • Listen to people in the field on what they expect from companies’ sustainable supply chain efforts.

  • Hear from leading companies how their due diligence approaches lead to change.

  • Know how the Due Diligence legislation can drive impact and change when made coherent with other policies on trade, sustainable finance, and corporate non-financial disclosure.

  • Learn about international collaborative platforms and alliances that transform value chains beyond due diligence through sector dialogues and scalable capacity building of local eco-systems.


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This event is part of the track “Sustainable Raw Materials & Value Chains” of the European SDG Summit 2021.