Release of the Truck Transport Social Guidelines


A group of 11 leading Transport Buyers and Transport Suppliers, including BMW Group, H&M Group, IKEA Supply AG, A. P. Moller - Maersk, PostNord, Raben Group, Scania, Volkswagen, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, and XPO Logistics, is making a collaborative effort with the ambition to improve the social conditions of truck drivers in the road transport and logistics sector across Europe.

As partners of the Responsible Trucking initiative – facilitated by CSR Europe – these companies have agreed to implement a common strategy to lead, together with their suppliers and sub-contractors, the transformation towards a more sustainable and fairer transportation and logistics sector.

As a first step, the Social Guidelines are released, a document that represents the common standards Partners agreed to respect in their operations and the common expectations set towards suppliers and sub-contractors. The Social Guidelines reflect a joint commitment regarding truck drivers’ working conditions in terms of forced labour, child labour, harassment, working and resting times, remuneration, benefits, non-discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining, health and safety, disciplinary practices, access to facilities, rest and recreation, and facilities’ requirements.

The Social Guidelines were drafted after a root cause analysis of the main social issues faced by truck drivers in Europe, and in an extensive consultative process together with truck drivers, EU institutions’ representatives and key stakeholders in the sector. They are aligned with the requirements set in the so-called ‘Mobility Package’ – going beyond its legal requirement in some respects – as well as with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and with the International Labour Organisation Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration)

As next steps, to move from guidelines to practical implementation, Responsible Trucking has an integrated approach and a 1,5-year plan focused on:

  • Developing an industry-wide spot-check tool that will allow hearing the voice of the drivers. Based on this, transport buyers and suppliers can improve their due diligence practices and take proactive collective action to improve working conditions for drivers. The spot-check tool will be developed by 2022, followed by a pilot and first results by the end of next year.

  • Organizing capacity-building activities aimed at supporting transport buyers and suppliers to understand the Social Guidelines and to empower the drivers. Under this umbrella, different activities are taking place already - or are planned - such as internal sharing and learning sessions, cross-sectorial workshops, and national awareness-raising events.

  • Engaging with key stakeholders to follow, understand, and contribute to the policy development and to capture general stakeholders’ expectations.

The purpose of the Responsible Trucking initiative is to move the industry towards the implementation of higher social standards, that will be translated into better working conditions for truck drivers. Responsible Trucking Partners would like to encourage other companies to support the Social Guidelines and to join forces to lead the transformation towards a fairer and more sustainable transportation and logistics industry.


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