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EUROPEAN ROUNDTABLE: Biodiversity Management: Business Strategies in Action

In 2020, the European Union introduced its 2030 biodiversity strategy, a comprehensive initiative aimed at safeguarding nature and countering ecosystem degradation over the long term. Central to this strategy is the ambition to guide Europe's biodiversity towards recovery by 2030 through specific actions and commitments.

In light of these policy advancements, the urgency of adopting efficient nature management strategies at the corporate level grows more apparent in today's business environment. As companies increasingly recognize the interconnectedness of their activities and the environment, prioritizing investments in nature management becomes critical.

However, businesses still face numerous challenges in effectively managing biodiversity. The local nature of sites presents varying ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots, requiring tailored approaches for conservation and restoration efforts. Additionally, complying with new regulations (such as the EU's Nature Restoration Law or the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) demands substantial adjustments in corporate strategies and operations, with a diversity of measuring tools and methodologies that make it challenging to establish standardized metrics for comparison.

Addressing these challenges requires companies to invest in robust biodiversity management systems, engage with stakeholders, and collaborate with experts to develop effective strategies that mitigate environmental risks and contribute to long-term sustainability.


  • Understand the key challenges in biodiversity management strategies.

  • Discuss how to integrate biodiversity into business strategies, covering site management and supply chain practices, and sharing best practices.

  • Explore the economic benefits of biodiversity conservation and how companies measure and report these impacts.